CT Newsroom
Pakistan is observing Kashmir Solidarity Day today to express firm support for the Kashmiri people’s struggle for their right to self-determination as promised in the United Nations resolutions.
As per details, today, Pakistan is observing Kashmir Solidarity Day to express unconditional and unwavering support to the Kashmiri people. Every year February 5 is marked by a public holiday, conducting solidarity walks taking place across the country and Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).
Today, Pakistan also shows in solidarity not only with the people of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) but also the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).
The day starts at 10am in Islamabad, sirens will sound, and a minute of silence will be observed in tribute to Kashmiri martyrs. Afterward, a rally held at Constitution Avenue in Islamabad.
Throughout the country, different posters and billboards depict the struggles and sufferings of the people of occupied Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).
The AJK Legislative Assembly held a special session to express solidarity with those in Indian Illegally Occupied Kashmir (IIOJK).
A significant tradition is the formation of human chains, formed at Mangla, Kohala, Bararkot, Azad Pattan, and Holar, symbolising unity between Pakistan and AJK.
The rallies and demonstration are held nationwide, in which a large number of political leaders , activities and scholars talk about the ongoing struggle of the Kashmiri’s for freedom.
The universities, colleges, think tanks, and media houses organize solidarity walks, seminars, and conferences to discuss the historical, political, and humanitarian aspects of the Kashmir issue.
In mosques, special prayers are offered for the oppressed people of Kashmir.
While television channels and newspapers run documentaries, articles, and talk shows to spread awareness.