Now a days, education is considered as a key and substantial tool for social as well as national development in very country. Currently, every state is paying great attention towards education as it plays a major role in evaluating the progress of human development. With the passage of time, educational research in China and West has grown rapidly setting a trend for the whole global world.
By the end of the 18th century, China had developed its one of the most compact and durable political systems widening its canvass of over 2,000 years of imperial history. So far, the great civilization of China has given birth to several academic institutions which are recognized across the world and are considered as the best international universities especially in Beijing.
If we observe the historical perspective, we come to know that Chinese civilization is comprised of certain historical characteristics of education, learning, war, governing, management and technology. China enjoys one of the world’s ancient and powerful educational systems; likewise, Chinese wisdom is famous across the world even in Muslim, Western and other European countries.
China remained under imperial forces in the wake of opium wars imposed on China on her refusal to surrender its territorial jurisdiction to western imperial forces who intended to pump opium and other narcotics in one of the largest populated market of China. However, the most determined Chinese nation emerged from primary class system to the world-class setup and revolutionized its systems of governance, education and politics.
Now, China has the world’s largest and oldest “The Party School of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party” in Beijing that articulates political behaviours and nourishes its future leadership. This is the only school which imparts intellect, political grooming, and Chinese interests in the global market.
Needless to say that the Western countries have also developed their parallel education system to compete in the global market, but still, the educational market is vacant without the volume of Chinese successful academic systems. China has developed its direct links with students and faculty members across the world through Chinese Scholarship Council which has opened its doors for every research scholar to come, visit and study in the top ranking universities of China. Chinese educational system does not force research scholars to adopt Chinese culture, but once the scholars are in China, they meet Chinese teachers, citizens and other community members and willingly intermingle with the Chinese culture due to its great civilization and rich culture. Chinese academic setups have defined its cultural and social values extracting from the great scholar Confucius; hospitality of the Chinese people and their welcoming behaviour are the hallmark.
Earlier, after getting freedom from the imperial forces, China was also bound to rely on the Western institutions to learn about technological advancements and other models of development. China used to invite western instructors, teachers, professors, experts of different fields and continued establishing its own institutions. In the meantime, Chinese government learnt lessons from the developed countries especially during the era of the founding father of China. However, with the passage of time, China developed its own modern institutes seeking and harmonizing its systems with ancient rich culture and civilization. Now, China is advancing in all the sectors ranging from education to technology, arms, ammunition, technology, construction and other development infrastructures.
Now, China is expanding its educational research in multiple sectors especially in the sector of infrastructure development, technology, economic, inter cultural and behavioral studies. The One Belt – One Road Project is the most appropriate example of Chinese wisdom of infrastructure development and economic advancement, whereas both the fields are directly interlinked with technological development. Now, most of the research is being conducted on Chinese economic initiatives, and technological advancement in most of the countries of Middle East, Asia and European regions.
This is the success story of the Chinese academic achievement. Most of the countries are heavily influenced by the Chinese initiatives taken to reach the pinnacle of the academics. This has been credited with the great wisdom of Chinese President XI Jinping who has emerged as the most powerful and iron man on earth. Needless to say, this project of President XI will have far ranging effects on the global politics, as no one knows what is in the mind of President XI.
The Western world especially the developed countries of the United States of America, United Kingdom, France, Germany and other developed world have a very successful academic setup especially in America. It is generally believed that America competes the market of Russia just because of academic advancements. Western academic systems rely on the first-hand information from all the fields and practical orientations. The USA has developed its systems of academics in comparison with the former world power Russia. However, now the cultural deficiencies, orthodox imperial policies and rigid hypocrite governing policies of the Western institutions have pushed the Western systems to wall.
China, once trying to learn lessons from the Western academic systems, has stepped forward with multispectral approach. Now, China has developed its market and is producing the world’s most powerful development projects, supersonic jets, sophisticated weapons, and other global economic projects which have set aside the western powers in all the fields of life including education, economics and technology. Now, China is becoming the most powerful country and the world market where all regional powers and countries can step in, invest and get benefits.
The author is an associate professor and serving as Chairperson at Lahore Leads University’s Department of Mass Communication. He can be reached at [email protected].