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Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has asked the United Nations (UN) to resolve the issues of Kashmir and Palestine in the light of its charter on the 79th anniversary of the UN.
World is observing 79th anniversary of UN today, October 24, 2024. The UN officially came into existence after the World War II on October 24, 1945. Its charter was signed by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and some other states. It is descender of the League of Nations. It was created to resolve the international dispute through peaceful manners. In order to achieve better and sustainable future for all, the UN has already laid down sustainable development goals for 2030.
Prime Minister (PM) Shehbaz Sharif by using social media platform called the UN Day an occasion to appreciate the UN Charter based on the principles of peace and prosperity of the world. The PM also recalled the steps taken by the UN to make the world a better place to live such as UN precautionary measures for unconventional crises such as climate change, heightened geo-political tensions, major power rivalry and economic issues particularly in south.
Shehbaz Sharif also urged the UN to address the global crises like Palestine and Jammu and Kashmir, as it is the core principle of the UN’s charter. He further said that ‘UN shows inability especially when the matter involves the question of the right to self-determination for peoples under foreign occupation such as in Palestine and Jammu and Kashmir.’ The crises will continue to deepen, if the provisions of the UN’s founding document continue to be ignored, he added.
However, the PM reaffirmed Pakistan’s commitment to UN’s charter and multilateralism to make this world a better place for all where rights of all the peoples especially those struggling for their just, and legitimate rights were realized.
It is worth mentioning here that on the UN Day, President Asif Ali Zardari confirmed Pakistan’s full support to the UN Charter and ensured Pakistan’s close collaboration with all the UN Member States to achieve a peaceful and prosperous world for all.
President Asif Ali Zardari reiterated Pakistan’s full support for the UN Charter and its multilateral system and said Pakistan stood ready to collaborate with all the UN Member States to achieve a peaceful and prosperous world for all.
President Secretariat’s Press Wing, in a press release, stated the president message on 79th UN Day as, “The UN Charter embodies our collective determination to uphold international law and peaceful co-existence. It also provides for the development of friendly relations among nations, based on respect for the principles of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace.”