Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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Here is the perfect way to seize the week


Since it’s the beginning of the week, sluggishness is bound to get you down. The best way to deal with Monday blues is to bounce up and stand under cold shower. No matter how uncomfortable it sounds, a cold water bath gets the blood flowing. It stimulates nerve endings that awaken your senses. Also, it induces deep breathing which oxygenates our system and boosts immunity. Research says that a cold water bath energises the body and helps you deal with a hectic day. To double up the results, rub your body vigorously after shower to stimulate skin cells.


After deep sleep, you need a good stretch. It relaxes the body, tones muscles and flexes them, especially if you’ve have been sleeping curled up. Follow these steps:

Bend your knees towards the chest. Push your lower back further in the bed. This opens the spine.

Turn your head to the right and press your cheek on the pillow. Feel a slight pull on the neck? Repeat with the left cheek.

Sit up and roll your shoulders six to seven times. Lift them together and hold two to three seconds and drop gently.


Your mother was right when she said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you stomach feels full and happy, you will too. Make yourself a power-packed breakfast. Skip the regular chai or coffee, and make an interesting fruit smoothie that will keep you full till lunch time. You could also chomp on dry fruits that stock energy for the body. Other options include milk and muesli, or a broken wheat porridge that is loaded with fibre that eases bowel movement.


Instead of hitting the snooze button, head for your music system’s remote control. Listening to music in the mornings helps you start the day on a positive note. It helps you get rid of mental clutter. This is especially true for people who get stressed by the thought of the day to come. Soft music calms down the heart and breathing rate. Put on Thai instrumental music or lounge music for better result.


Playing a high intensity sport, such as squash, badminton, volley ball, etc., the first thing in the morning has many benefits . It provides a full body workout and flexes muscles that stiffen during sleep. It makes you sweat and flushes out the toxins, making your skin glow. It releases endorphins that can keep you pepped up the entire day. And lastly, it pumps up the heart and keeps ailments such as hypertension and high cholesterol away.


There has been ample research to prove the benefits of laughter. Experts say that laughing loudly is an internal exercise for the heart and lungs. It stimulates blood circulation, oxygenates the body and relieves stress. If you don’t have a laughter club in your vicinity, subscribe to joke-of-the-day on your e-mail or your cell phone to ensure a daily dose of laughter.


Since Sunday is the day to unwind, do it with the help of some aroma therapy. Add a few drops of aromatic oil to your bath water or massage it into your body a few minutes before bath. Fragrances such as mint, lime and orange are known to stimulate the senses and wake you up. On the other hand, oils such as ylang ylang and lavender will calm the mind and prepare you for the afternoon siesta.



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